Rite of Committal 1


(All make the Sign of the Cross)


The grace and peace 

of God our Father, 

who raised Jesus 

from the dead, 

be with you.

All: And with your spirit.


Our brother/sister (N...) 

has gone to his/her rest 

in the peace of Christ. 

May the Lord now 

welcome him/her to the table 

of God's children in heaven. 

Let us pray also for ourselves. 

May we who mourn 

be united one day 

with our brother/sister (N...)

Together may we meet Christ Jesus 

when he who is our life 

appears in glory.



We read in sacred Scriptures. 

"Our true home is 

in heaven and Jesus Christ 

whose return we long for, 

will come from heaven to save us."



Lord Jesus Christ, 

by your own three days 

in the tomb, 

you hallowed the place of rest 

of all who believe in you, 

and so made the grave/ cremation 

a sign of hope 

that promises resurrection 

even as it claims 

our moral bodies.

Grant that our brother/ sister (N...) 

may sleep in peace 

until you awaken him/her to glory, 

for you are the resurrection 

and the life. 

Then he/she will see you 

face to face and in your light 

will see light and know the

splendour of God,

for you live and reign

forever and ever.

All : Amen.



Because God has chosen 

to call our brother/ sister (N...) 

from this life to himself, 

we commit his/her body 

to be cremated 

(buried in the earth 

for we are dust and unto dust 

we shall return. 

But the Lord Jesus 

will change our mortal bodies 

to be like his in glory, 

for he is risen, 

the first-born from the dead. 

So, let us commend 

our brother/sister (N...) to the Lord, 

that the Lord may 

embrace him/her in peace 

and rise up his/her body 

on the last day.

(Minister sprinkles the coffin with Holy Water.)



For our brother/sister (N...)

let us pray 

to our Lord Jesus Christ who said: 

"I am the resurrection and the life. 

Whosoever believes in me 

shall live even in death, 

and whoever lives 

and believes in me shall never die."

Response: Hear our prayer.


Martha and Mary 

in their distress, 

draw near to us 

who mourn for (N...)

and dry the tears 

of those who weep.

Lord, in your mercy. 

Response: Hear our prayer.

of Lazarus, your friend; 

comfort us in our sorrow.

Lord, in your mercy. 

Response: Hear our prayer.

give to our brother/ sister (N...) 

eternal life.

Lord, in your mercy.

Response: Hear our prayer.

to the repentant thief; 

bring (N...) to the joys of heaven. 

Lord in your mercy.

Response: Hear our prayer.

was washed in baptism 

and anointed with the Holy Spirit; 

give him/her fellowship 

with all your saints.

Lord, in your mercy.

Response: Hear our prayer.

with your body and blood; 

grant him/her a place at the table 

in your heavenly kingdom. 

Lord, in your mercy.

Response: Hear our prayer.

at the death of (N...)

let our faith 

be our consolation 

and eternal life our hope. 

Lord, in your mercy.

Response: Hear our prayer.



At the Saviour's command 

and formed by divine teaching, 

we dare to say:


Our Father, who art in heaven, 

hallowed be thy name; 

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth 

as it is in heaven.

Give us this day 

our daily bread; 

and forgive us our trespasses, 

as we forgive those 

who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil.



God of holiness and power, 

accept our prayers 

on behalf of your servant, (N...).

Do not count his/her deeds 

against him/her 

for in his/her heart, 

he/she desired to do your will.

As his/her faith united him/her 

to your people on earth, 

so may your mercy 

join him/her 

to the angels in heaven.

We ask this 

through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.



Bow your heads 

and pray for God's blessings.

Merciful Lord, 

you know the anguish 

of the sorrowful. 

You are attentive 

to the prayers of the humble. 

Hear your people 

who cry out to you

in their need, 

and strengthen their hope 

in your lasting goodness.

We ask this through 

Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.


Eternal rest grant unto (N...)

O Lord.


And let perpetual light 

shine upon him/her.


May he/she rest in peace.

All: Amen.

Minister :

May his/her soul and the souls 

of all the faithful departed, 

through the mercy of God, 

rest in peace.

All: Amen.


May the love of God 

and the peace 

of our Lord Jesus Christ 

bless and console us 

and wipe every tear 

from our eyes:

in the name of the Father, 

and of the Son, 

and of the Holy Spirit 

All: Amen.

Minister: Go in peace.

All: Thanks be to God.