came to be

And the land and sea 

and stars of the night

Through the endless seasons 

of all time

You have always been

You will always be.


In every age, O God,

You have been our refuge.

In every age, O God,

You have been our hope.

and at your silent word

We return to dust 

and scatter to the wind

A thousand years 

are like a single moment gone

As the light that fades 

at the end of day.


In every age, O God,

You have been our refuge.

In every age, O God,

You have been our hope.

of the time we have

Teach us to be patient 

even as we wait

Teach us to embrace 

our every joy and pain

To sleep peacefully 

and to rise up strong.


In every age, O God,

You have been our refuge.

In every age, O God,

You have been our hope. 

In every age, O God,

You have been our refuge.

In every age, O God,

You have been our hope.

You have been our refuge.

You have been our hope.