In the name of the Father (+)
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
All : Amen.
If we shared
in Jesus' death
by being baptised,
we will be raised
to life with Him.
All :
As surely as we
died with Christ,
we believe we will also
live with Him.
God our Creator
and Redeemer,
by Your power,
Christ conquered death
and returned to You
in glory.
May our brother/sister (N...)
who left us (Months / Years) ago,
and all Your people
who have gone before us
in faith share His victory
and enjoy the vision
of Your glory forever.
May we who remember
(N...) with love,
gratitude and joy
be comforted by the presence
of Your Holy Spirit
within and among us.
We ask this through
Jesus Christ your Son,
who lives and reigns
with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God,
forever and ever.
All: Amen.
PSALM (121:1-8)
I lift up my eyes
to the mountain,
From where
shall come my help?
My help shall come
from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
May He never
allow you to stumble!
Let him sleep not,
your guard.
No, he sleeps not
nor slumbers,
Israel's guard.
The Lord is your guard
and your shade;
At your right side
He stands,
By day the sun
shall not smite you,
Nor the moon in the night.
The Lord will guard you
from evil,
He will guard your soul.
The Lord will guard
your going and coming,
Both now and forever.
Give praise and honour
to the most Holy Trinity,
The Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
The undivided Unity,
the Creator,
the Redeemer
and the Sanctifier,
now and forever.
A reading from
the letter of St Paul
to the Romans
(Rom 6:3-4, 9-11)
Do you not know
that all of us
who have been
baptised into Christ Jesus
were baptised into his death?
Therefore we have been
buried with him
by baptism into death,
so that, just as Christ
was raised from the dead
by the glory of the Father,
so we too might walk
in newness of life.
We know that Christ,
being raised from the dead,
will never die again;
death no longer
has dominion over him.
The death he died,
he died to sin,
once for all;
but the life he lives,
he lives to God.
So you also must
consider yourselves dead
to sin and alive to God
in Christ Jesus.
The word of the Lord.
All : Thanks be to God.
In You, O Lord,
I take refuge,
let me not be lost forever.
In You, O Lord,
I take refuge,
let me not be lost forever.
You are coming
to rule over both
the living and the dead.
In You, O Lord,
I take refuge,
let me not be lost forever.
Glory be to the Father
and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
In You, O Lord,
I take refuge,
let me not be lost forever.
Let us pray to Christ
who gives us hope
that our mortal bodies
will become like His in glory.
Let our response
to each petition be:
Lord, you are our life
and our resurrection.
Lord, you are our life
and our resurrection.
Christ, Son of the living God,
you raised your friend Lazarus
from the dead;
grant life and glory
to the faithful departed,
redeemed by
your precious blood.
Lord, you are our life
and our resurrection.
Compassionate Saviour,
You wiped away all tears
when you gave back
to the widow of Naim
her only son;
comfort those
who mourn because
the one they loved has died.
Lord, you are our life
and our resurrection.
Christ, our Redeemer,
destroy the reign of sin
in our mortal bodies;
let us not receive
the wages of death
but the reward
of eternal life.
Lord, you are our life
and our resurrection.
Christ, our Saviour,
look on those
who live without hope
and do not know you;
let them believe
in the resurrection and
the life of the world to come.
Lord, you are our life
and our resurrection.
You restored sight
to the man born blind
and opened
the eyes of his faith;
reveal your face
to the dead
who have not
seen your glory.
Lord, you are our life
and our resurrection.
Lord be merciful to us
when we leave
this earthly dwelling;
make for us
a home in heaven
that will last forever.
Lord, you are our life
and our resurrection.
Let us now pray together
in the way that
Our Lord Jesus taught us.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you amongst women
and blessed is the
fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be,
world without end.
I know that
my Redeemer lives
and on the last day
I shall rise again.
All :
In my body I shall
look on God, my Saviour.
I myself shall see him;
my own eyes
will gaze on him.
All :
In my body I shall
look on God, my Saviour.
Come to me,
all you who labour
and are overburdened
and I will give you rest.
All :
In my body I shall
look on God, my Saviour.
My portion is the Lord,
says my soul;
therefore I will hope in him.
All :
In my body I shall
look on God, my Saviour.
Grant Lord, we pray that
as our faith is built
on the Risen Christ,
so too may our hope
be steadfast,
as we await the resurrection
of Your servant (N...)
from the dead.
We make our prayer
through Christ our Lord.
All : Amen.
Eternal rest grant unto (N...)
O Lord.
All :
And let perpetual light
shine upon him/her.
May he/ she rest in peace.
All : Amen.
May the soul of (N...)
and the souls of all
the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
All : Amen.
May the Lord
bless you and keep you.
All : Amen.
May He show his face to you
and have mercy on you.
All : Amen.
May He turn His countenance
to you and give you peace.
All : Amen.
May Almighty God bless you,
the Father (+) and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
All : Amen.