Interment 1



In the name of the Father (+) 

and of the Son 

and of the Holy Spirit.

All : Amen.


Praise be to God our Father, 

who raised Jesus Christ 

from the dead.

All : Blessed be God forever.



We gather today 

at this place of remembrance 

to pray for (N...) 

whose mortal remains 

will lie here to rest, 

together with 

our other brothers and sisters 

who have gone before us.

They have passed 

from death to life 

in company with Jesus Christ, 

who died and rose to new life, 

and are purified now 

of their faults. 

We bring together our prayers 

as a sign of our faith 

and our hope, 

that our loving God 

will one day 

raise us all up in glory.




Almighty God and Father, 

it is our certain faith 

that Your Son, 

who died on the cross, 

was raised from the dead, 

the first fruits 

of all who have fallen asleep. 

Bless (+)  this niche 

which receives the

mortal remains 

of our brother/ sister, (N...).

By the waters of baptism, 

he/ she was born 

into the new life

that You offer 

to all believers.

Grant that together 

with all our loved ones 

who have gone before us, 

he/she may rest 

in the protection of Your love 

until Christ raises us all up 

on the last day 

to make us like His own 

in glory. 

We ask this 

through Christ our Lord.

All : Amen.


A reading from the Holy Gospel 

according to John 

(Jn 14:1-4)

Jesus said to his disciples: 

"Do not let your hearts 

be troubled.

Believe in God, 

believe also in me. 

In my Father's house, 

there are many dwelling places. 

If it were not so, 

would I have told you 

that I go to prepare 

a place for you? 

And if I go to prepare 

a place for you, 

I will come again 

and take you to myself, 

so that where I am, 

you may be also. 

And you know the way 

to the place where I am going.”

The Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.



Trusting in God's 

unfailing love for us, 

let us pray with confidence 

for our brother/sister, (N...) 

who has gone before us.

Let our response be: 

Lord, have mercy.

All: Lord, have mercy.

and let him/her know 

the healing power of Your love.

All: Lord, have mercy.

from the journey 

and bless him/her 

with Your peace.

All: Lord, have mercy.

may still be felt 

and his/her memory 

remain alive among us.

All: Lord, have mercy.

for their loved ones 

may know comfort & 

peace of mind & of heart.

All: Lord, have mercy.

of grace for us, 

to see our conflicts resolved 

and our doubts dispelled.

All: Lord, have mercy.

relatives and friends 

may enjoy the fullness 

of life with God.

All: Lord, have mercy.


We sum up all our prayers 

in the words Jesus taught us.




Our Father, who art in heaven, 

hallowed be thy name; 

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth 

as it is in heaven.

Give us this day 

our daily bread; 

and forgive us our trespasses, 

as we forgive those 

who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil.


Hail Mary, full of grace,

the Lord is with you.

Blessed are you amongst women

and blessed is the 

fruit of your womb, Jesus. 

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners now,

and at the hour of our death. 


Glory be to the Father,

and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now and ever shall be,

world without end.




We now entomb 

the mortal remains 

of our brother/ sister (N...).

We recall that our bodies 

bear the imprint 

of the first creation 

when they were 

fashioned from dust. 

In faith we remember, too, 

that by the new creation 

we also bear 

the image of Jesus 

who was raised in glory. 

In confident hope 

that one day 

God will raise us 

and transform 

our mortal bodies, 

let us pray now 

in the silence of our hearts, 

as the urn containing the remains

our brother/ sister (N...)

is interred in its niche.



Faithful God, 

Lord of all creation, 

You desire that nothing 

redeemed by Your Son 

will ever be lost, 

and that the just 

will be raised 

on the last day. 

Comfort us today 

with the word 

of Your promise, 

as we commit 

the mortal remains 

of our brother/sister (N...)

to its final resting place; 

grant him/her 

a place of rest and peace 

in Your heavenly kingdom, 

where the world 

of dust and ashes 

has no dominion.

Confirm us in our hope 

that he/she will be 

created anew on the day 

when You will raise him/her 

up in glory 

to live with You 

and all the saints 

forever and ever.

All: Amen.



Eternal rest grant unto (N...) 

O Lord.

All : 

And let perpetual light 

shine upon him/her.


May he/ she rest in peace.

All : Amen.


May the souls of all 

the faithful departed, 

through the mercy of God, 

rest in peace.

All : Amen.



May the Lord 

bless you and keep you.

All : Amen.


May He show his face to you 

and have mercy on you.

All : Amen.


May He turn His countenance 

to you and give you peace.

All : Amen.


May Almighty God bless you, 

the Father (+) and the Son 

and the Holy Spirit.

All : Amen.