Scripture Wake Prayer


Leader :

We are gathered here 

in faith and love 

to support the mourners 

and pray that our Risen Christ 

will show mercy to (N...) 

who has left us.

Let us bow our heads 

and invite God's holy presence.

(Observe a moment's silence)




Heavenly Father,

Glory of believers 

and life of the just,

by the sufferings, 

death and resurrection 

of your Son Jesus, 

we are redeemed.

Have mercy on (N...) 

and make him/her worthy 

to share the joys of paradise, 

for he/she believed 

in the resurrection of the dead.

We ask this 

through Christ our Lord.

All : Amen.


READING (Wis 3:1-4)

A reading from the 

Book of Wisdom

The souls of the virtuous 

are in the hands of God, 

no torment shall ever 

touch them. 

In the eyes of the unwise, 

they did appear to die, 

their going looked like disaster, 

their leaving us, 

like annihilation,

but they are in peace. 

If they experienced punishment 

as men see it, 

their hope was 

rich in immortality, 

slight was their affliction, 

great will their blessings be.

The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 27

In God's company, 

there is no fear.

Antiphon :

(Outside of Easter season)

The Lord is my redeemer, 

he is my light and salvation.

(During Easter Season)

The Lord is my salvation, 

he is my light, alleluia!

and my help,

Whom shall I fear?

(Outside of Easter season)

The Lord is my redeemer, 

he is my light and salvation.

(During Easter Season)

The Lord is my salvation, 

he is my light, alleluia!

when I call,

Have mercy and answer.

Of you my heart has spoken, 

"Seek his face."

(Outside of Easter season)

The Lord is my redeemer, 

he is my light and salvation.

(During Easter Season)

The Lord is my salvation, 

he is my light, alleluia!

that I seek, 

hide not your face.

Dismiss not your servant 

in anger;

You have been my help.

(Outside of Easter season)

The Lord is my redeemer, 

he is my light and salvation.

(During Easter Season)

The Lord is my salvation, 

he is my light, alleluia!

the Lord's goodness

In the land of the living,

Hope in him, hold firm 

and take heart, 

Hope in the Lord!

(Outside of Easter season)

The Lord is my redeemer, 

he is my light and salvation.

(During Easter Season)

The Lord is my salvation, 

he is my light, alleluia!

the Son and the Holy Spirit, 

Both now and forever,

The God who is, who was, 

and is to come, 

At the end of the ages.

(Outside of Easter season)

The Lord is my redeemer, 

he is my light and salvation.

(During Easter Season)

The Lord is my salvation, 

he is my light, alleluia!


A reading from the 

holy Gospel according to Luke

(Lk 12:35-40)

Jesus said to his disciples:

See that you are 

dressed for action and 

have your lamps lit. 

Be like men waiting 

for their master to return 

from the wedding feast, 

ready to open the door 

as soon as he comes and knocks. 

Happy those servants 

whom the master finds awake 

when he comes. 

I tell you solemnly, 

he will put on an apron, 

sit them down at table 

and wait on them. 

It may be in the 

second watch he comes, 

or in the third, 

but happy those servants 

if he finds them ready. 

You may be quite sure of this, 

that if the householder 

had known at what hour 

the burglar would come, 

he would not have let anyone 

break through the wall of his house. 

You too must stand ready, 

because the Son of Man 

is coming at an hour 

you do not expect.

The Gospel of the Lord.


Praise to you, 

Lord Jesus Christ.


Leader :

Let us in faith 

entrust to our Father 

in heaven our needs.

Father, we pray that 

you will grant 

eternal life and light to (N...).

All: Loving Father, hear us.

Leader :

Comfort those who 

mourn and are anxious.

All: Loving Father, hear us.

Leader :

Forgive (N...) his/her 

past misdeeds and 

grant him/her

a place of happiness, 

light and peace.

All: Loving Father, hear us.

Leader :

We pray for the family of (N...) 

that they may be consoled

in the knowledge that 

there is no evil which 

you permit us to suffer

in this imperfect world 

without you being able to

bring about our

eternal good.

All: Loving Father, hear us.

Leader :

We pray for each of us 

present here, 

that we meet death 

as friends of your son, Jesus, 

through sincere repentance 

and complete confidence 

in your forgiveness.

All: Loving Father, hear us.


At the Saviour's command 

and formed by divine teaching, 

we dare to say:


Our Father, who art in heaven, 

hallowed be thy name; 

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth 

as it is in heaven.

Give us this day 

our daily bread; 

and forgive us our trespasses, 

as we forgive those 

who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil.



Leader :

Lord God,

You are attentive 

to the voice 

of our pleading.

Grant us comfort 

in our sadness, 

certainty in our doubts, 

and courage to live 

through this time of trial.

Strengthen our faith 

and trust in you, 

that amidst these difficult times 

we continue to honour 

and give you praise.

We ask this in Jesus' name.

All: Amen.

Eternal rest grant unto (N...) O Lord.

All: And let perpetual light 

shine upon him/ her.

Leader: May he/she rest in peace.

All: Amen.


May his /her soul 

and the souls of 

all the faithful departed, 

through the mercy of God, 

rest in peace.

All: Amen.


May the love of God 

and the peace of 

our Lord Jesus Christ 

bless and console us 

and gently wipe 

every tear from our eyes: 

in the name of the Father, 

and of the Son, 

and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.