Exhumation and Transfer



In the name of the Father (+) 

and of the Son 

and of the Holy Spirit.

All : Amen.


May the peace

and love of God,

which transcends all things,

descend upon us.


May the peace 

and love of God 

remain with us forever.



At the grave of

existing Columbarium


Let us pray Almighty God, 

we gather today 

to transfer the remains 

of our brother sister (N...) 

from this resting place 

to a new sanctuary.

We rejoice that the souls 

of those who have died 

trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ 

live with You 

in everlasting joy 

and happiness. 

We thank You for the life 

of (N...) and for all 

that You have given us 

through him/her.

In Your great goodness Lord, 

complete soon 

the number of 

Your chosen children 

and hasten the coming 

of Your kingdom so that, 

along with all 

who have departed 

trusting in Christ, 

we may be made perfect 

in body and soul,

in Your eternal glory, 

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

The prayers may conclude here 

if the remains are to be brought 

to the crematorium 

or are being transported 

to the new Columbarium.

At the new Columbarium. 

If the introductory prayers 

are not used or have already 

been recited at the grave/

existing Columbarium, 

begin immediately 

with the following prayer:


Let us pray. 

God of mercy 

and consolation, 

we have assembled 

at this Columbarium 

to witness the interment 

of the remains of 

our brother/sister (N...) 

in its new sanctuary.

As You entrusted (N...) 

to our care 

while he/she was still alive, 

so now embrace him/her 

in Your love. 

Take him/her 

into Your keeping 

together with all children 

who have died. 

Shepherd us, 

Your sorrowing children, 

with gentleness, 

for we seek 

Your consolation and peace. 

We ask this in the name of 

Jesus, Your Son and our Lord.

All : Amen.


A reading from the

first letter of St Paul

to the Corinthians

(1 Cor 15:20-26, 35-38, 

42-44, 50-58)

Christ has been raised 

from the dead, 

the first fruits 

of those who have 

fallen asleep.

For since death 

came through a man, 

the resurrection of the dead 

comes also through a man. 

For as in Adam all die, 

so in Christ 

all will be made alive.

But each in his own turn:

Christ, the first fruits; 

then, when he comes, 

those who belong to him. 

Then the end will come, 

when he hands over 

the kingdom to God the Father 

after he has destroyed 

all dominion, authority and power. 

For he must reign 

until he has put 

all his enemies under his feet. 

The last enemy 

to be destroyed is death.

The word of the Lord.

All : Thanks be to God.



God, the almighty Father, 

raised Christ His Son 

from the dead. 

With confidence we ask Him 

to save all His people, 

living and dead. 

Our response will be:

Lord, hear our prayer.

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

who in baptism 

was given the pledge 

of eternal life, 

that he/she may now 

be admitted to the 

company of the saints. 

We pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

who received the body of Christ, 

the bread of life, 

that he/she may be 

raised up on the last day. 

We pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

relatives and friends, 

that they may have 

the reward of their goodness. 

We pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

fallen asleep in the hope 

of rising again, 

that they may see God 

face to face. 

We pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

to worship in faith, 

that we may be gathered 

together again in God's kingdom. 

We pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, hear our prayer.




God of the living, 

Father of all creation, 

we believe that 

Christ Your Son, 

who died on the cross, 

was raised from the dead. 

In Your kindness, 

bless & this niche 

which will house the 

mortal remains of 

our brother/sister (N...).

By the waters of baptism, 

he/ she was born 

into the new life that 

You offer to all believers.

Grant that together 

with all our loved ones 

who have gone before us, 

he/she may rest 

in the protection of Your love, 

until Christ raises us all up 

on the last day to make us 

like His own in glory. 

We ask this 

through Christ our Lord.

All : Amen.


God of tenderness and love, 

Your Son Jesus 

willingly gave Himself 

up to death so that 

all people might be saved 

and pass from death 

to new life. 

Listen to our prayers 

and look with love 

on Your people 

who mourn and pray 

for their departed 

brother sister (N...).

Lord God, 

You are the font of life. 

In Your kindness, 

bless  (+)  this niche 

which will contain

the earthly remains 

of our brother/sister (N...).

By Your Son's death 

and resurrection, 

You opened the gates of life 

for those who believe in You. 

Do not allow Your son/daughter 

to be parted from You, 

but by Your glorious power 

give him/her light, joy, 

and peace in heaven 

where You live 

forever and ever.

All : Amen.




Our Father, who art in heaven, 

hallowed be thy name; 

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth 

as it is in heaven.

Give us this day 

our daily bread; 

and forgive us our trespasses, 

as we forgive those 

who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil.


Hail Mary, full of grace,

the Lord is with you.

Blessed are you amongst women

and blessed is the 

fruit of your womb, Jesus. 

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners now,

and at the hour of our death. 


Glory be to the Father,

and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now and ever shall be,

world without end.




Lord God, 

You are the glory of believers 

and the life of the just. 

Your Son redeemed us 

by dying and rising to life again. 

Since our departed 

brother/sister (N...)

believed in the 

mystery of our resurrection, 

let him/her share 

the joys and blessings 

of the life to come.

Grant this 

through Christ our Lord.

All : Amen.

It shall come to pass, 

that all who call upon 

the name of the Lord 

shall be delivered.

All : 

Fear not; be glad and rejoice, 

for the Lord has 

done great things.

Eternal rest grant unto (N...) 

O Lord.

All : 

And let perpetual light 

shine upon him/her.


May he/ she rest in peace.

All : Amen.


May the souls of all 

the faithful departed, 

through the mercy of God, 

rest in peace.

All : Amen.



May the Lord 

bless you and keep you.

All : Amen.


May He show his face to you 

and have mercy on you.

All : Amen.


May He turn His countenance 

to you and give you peace.

All : Amen.


May Almighty God bless you, 

the Father (+) and the Son 

and the Holy Spirit.

All : Amen.